Few options:
Check difference between fee on Ethereum and cross-chain fee. Share with the user that they will save 90% of the difference, and 10% of the fee savings is wrapped for them on Solana and can be redeemed. If they do not redeem it, it’s effectively burned and could then go into the liquidity pool to reward providers after 90 days. If they generated solZRX, they’d automatically get enough SOL gas when they establish their first wallet. They could then pair solZRX with Ethereum on Solana, and benefit from LP pool function with lower swap fees. Lastly, their solZRX, in LP or not, would give them enhanced Governance power on ZRX.
As for the universal supply of ZRX, no, we would never want to increase the supply. Rather, we spread the supply from ERC20 to other blockchains to allow them to be voting blocks on ZEIPs, trade ZRX with less fees, further interconnecting the ecosystems.