GFX Labs Delegate Communication Thread

This thread is intended to provide a record of GFX Labs’ voting and communication around the reasoning of each vote. Subsequent voting communications will be added to this thread over time.

1 Poll Ending May 10, 2023

Z-4.2: Purple Pay Grant
Summary: This proposal would grant PurplePay ~$25,000 in MATIC from the 0x DAO treasury.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. GFX is new to 0x, and is only now getting up to speed. This proposal appears to have wide support, and so we will defer to the broader community.

That being said, this proposal illustrates a number of areas where 0x DAO could materially improve the grants process. This grant plan’s forum and Discord discussions appear largely driven by interested counterparties to the applicant (Polygon and its affiliates). 0x DAO itself needs to have a more vocal and formal role to represent tokenholder interests.

For instance, one delegate directly asked what the existing user base of PurplePay was, and that was not answered clearly and directly. In fact, it was unclear from the public discussions that this applicant is a startup with no broad, existing user base. It should be absolutely clear whether an applicant requesting grant funds to integrate 0x has launched, and what volume they predict being able to drive to 0x in exchange for funding an integration.

Due diligence was also made difficult by the fact that another payments app, launched in 2021, shares the name PurplePay, complete with similar logo (a stylized, purple-themed letter P) and website ( vs the applicant’s This should be noted somewhere during the application process, and in the case of the applicant’s very close resemblance in marketing assets of an existing payment app, a brief summary of whether this represents a future IP challenge risk from the incumbents that could be a distraction or disruption.

Broadly speaking, grant plans should also be managed with a lifecycle viewpoint. It is unusual for grants to be given 100% up front – though in this case the grant is fairly small, so perhaps it is appropriate. Typically, a mature grants program will offer some portion (40-60% is a widely used range) with later funding tranches released only upon meeting certain specific deliverables on specific dates. This provides the grant applicant a strong incentive to make sure expectations are matched on both sides, limits the loss of grant funds if a grant plan proves impossible, and puts the burden of progress reporting on the grant applicant in order to receive final funding. There is ideally also some form of close-out process – that is, a trigger by which success or failure is declared, and the grant plan considered completed. This is important because it provides a clear point where grantor funds and grantee efforts are no longer expected.

Codifying these expectations and a clear process for applying for grant funds will breed stronger grant plans by applicants (since they know what they need to do and how the application process will work) and more oversight and transparency by ZRX tokenholders (since they will have more control over funds flows, standardize applications to compare against each other, and receive definitive success/failure/progress reports on grants made rather than forgetting about them).


1 Poll Ending July 8, 2023

Temperature Check | Grant Request: Boardroom to build 0x Protocol’s Governance Portal
Summary: This poll seeks input from ZRX voters on whether to move this proposal to an on-chain vote. The proposal seeks to give Boardroom $17,500 equivalent in ZRX to create a governance portal for 0x.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. Boardroom’s standard product is good, and they have stated they will account for the non-standard features of the ZRX governor contract.


1 Poll Ending July 27, 2023

Boardroom Grant
Summary: This proposal would grant $17,500 in ZRX (~85,000 ZRX) for a new 0x governance portal.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. The temperature check for this passed unanimously. The amount is also relatively small compared to the size of the 0x governance treasury. Boardroom is also a service provider with a proven track record and well-known product.


1 Poll Closing August 7, 2023

Temperature Check | GRANT REQUEST: ZeroEx Pathways (ZRX PATH)
Summary: This proposal would earmark approximately $270,000 of ZRX from the 0x Treasury as a grant to develop tools, features, functions, libraries, etc to lower the cost of ecosystem contributors building onto the 0x Protocol.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. In six years there have apparently been no contributions at all to the protocol outside of 0x Labs. While the 0x governance funds are not inexhaustible, it is hard to argue against putting this funding in the hands of two seasoned core contributors who understand the protocol and recognize its dwindling relevance. This is especially true with the recent donation of 3 million ZRX to the treasury from 0x Labs.


Z-7 Polygon Grant
Summary: This proposal seeks authorization of a $511,240 grant from the treasury to a multisig jointly controlled by Polygon Foundation and 0x Protocol Community.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This has been difficult to get up to speed on. Our best understanding of the facts are:

  1. 0x Labs announced a joint donation to 0x governance of MATIC (~$7m at the time) and ZRX (~$3.5m at the time)

  2. We have been unable to locate and no one has volunteered to produce an agreement between 0x Labs and Polygon Foundation. All we have is an announcement.

  3. The announcement clearly indicates an intent that both donations are meant for the 0x ecosystem on Polygon

  4. 0x governance, however, was never a party to any of this.

So this vote would be the first time 0x governance agreed to any sort of restrictions. This makes it very difficult to balance the need to honor commitments vs making it clear that 0x governance is independent of 0x Labs and is not in any way, shape, or form bound by decisions made by 0x Labs.

Reservations about process aside, this enjoyed wide support at the Snapshot level, and we will not hold up a proposal we conceptually agree with purely on procedural grounds


1 Poll Closing September 29, 2023

Z-6 Grant Proposal: ZeroEx Pathways
Summary: This proposal would earmark approximately $270,000 of ZRX from the 0x Treasury as a grant to develop tools, features, functions, libraries, etc to lower the cost of ecosystem contributors building onto the 0x Protocol.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. In six years there have apparently been no contributions at all to the protocol outside of 0x Labs. While the 0x governance funds are not inexhaustible, it is hard to argue against putting this funding in the hands of two seasoned core contributors who understand the protocol and recognize its dwindling relevance. This is especially true with the recent donation of 3 million ZRX to the treasury from 0x Labs.


1 Poll Closing November 12, 2023

Temperature Check | GRANT REQUEST: 0x Community Subgraph
Summary: This poll asks ZRX holders whether they support providing a $32,000 grant (in ZRX) to build and deploy to all chains a subgraph for the 0x Protocol. Details on what data are included can be viewed here. The grant would include maintenance for 12 months.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. A competing proposal from DEXkit has offered to provide these same or similar deliverables for free. However, the request by Paperclip Labs is modest in price, the grant proposal well-structured with clear timelines and deliverables, and from a vendor with experience doing similar work. As a result, we feel the increased predictability of timely and quality deliverables justifies the moderate budget requested by Paperclip Labs.


1 Poll Closing November 21, 2023

Temperature Check | [GRANT REQUEST] pZEIP: BundleSwapFeature (31Third)
Summary: This poll asks ZRX holders whether they support providing $25,000 in ZRX to 31Third as a grant to enhance the 0x Protocol by deploying a Bundle Swap Feature (BSF) for ERC20 tokens. Other standards and NFTs are not supported. For more information, the github repository can be found here.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. This is a small grant, and provides a new feature to the core protocol. Multi-asset swaps are a functionality 0x needs to have in order to modernize in the face of growing competition.


1 Poll Closing November 25, 2023
NB: This is the onchain poll following the previous Snapshot in the previous entry on this thread.

Temperature Check | GRANT REQUEST: 0x Community Subgraph
Summary: This poll asks ZRX holders whether they support providing a $32,000 grant (in ZRX) to build and deploy to all chains a subgraph for the 0x Protocol. Details on what data are included can be viewed here. The grant would include maintenance for 12 months.

Recommendation: Vote Yes. A competing proposal from DEXkit has offered to provide these same or similar deliverables for free. However, the request by Paperclip Labs is modest in price, the grant proposal well-structured with clear timelines and deliverables, and from a vendor with experience doing similar work. As a result, we feel the increased predictability of timely and quality deliverables justifies the moderate budget requested by Paperclip Labs.

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After extensive thought, GFX has decided to pause governance participation at 0x Protocol for the time being.

We have an increasing workload at Optimism, Uniswap, Arbitrum, and several other partner projects. We don’t feel we can provide the required attention that 0x will need to successfully navigate this critical stage in its growth.

We wish 0x and the community only the best.

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