Requirements for Moving a Proposal to Public Vote

I am trying to understand the 0x proposal requirements. Currently, regarding submitting proposals, I read the following.

“Anyone can submit a proposal by calling the smart contracts propose on-chain function, but realistically you should rely on Bootstrap Delegates to perform this action (see next section). Over time, we anticipate that the process for initiating a proposal to become more user-friendly. At the onset, there will be a minimum voting power requirement of 100k ZRX (0.01% of the total ZRX supply) for a proposal to be successfully moved to a public vote.”

Does this mean that if I have over 100k ZRX I can automatically move a proposal to a public vote? Thanks!

As a side note, there multiple parts of the 0x website that are outdated/broken links (I can point them out if necessary, but you can also find them just by browsing for 3 minutes). Is there an expectation to update/refresh the entire website. It looks unprofessional or like a dead project.

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You’ve info here.

and here


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Delegates can champion your proposal to be presented on Snapshot and then on chain voting, the recommended path is going through a first discussion on Discord, if the proposal will get traction, open a forum topic to get a public discussion with several members and then go to snapshot and finally on chain vote. If you have 100K ZRX you for sure can put for a vote a public proposal but without previous discussions maybe it will not get quorum. BTW I am one of the delegates so feel free to discuss on Discord about what you want to propose and if there is traction or interest from comunity I can help you get it moving further.