[Grant Request] Purple Pay

Thanks Patrick & Joao, here is the breakdown for how we plan the integration. It will have three compnents:

  1. Using 0x API for swaps: This functionality will be used to enable retailers to pay in any token while the merchant gets the desired token. While we build this, we have also been integrating biconomy gasless transaction. By the end of this integration we will have gasless swaps where user can in one step pay without thinking of which token they are paying for.

  2. Embedding 0x API in enabling private transactions: In order to ensure anonymity of the merchants we will be working on integrating with privacy protocols. So if a merchant wants to accept payments anonymously, this will act as a layer over it and enable 0xAPI’s to swap tokens and get the merchant tokens in a private way on Polygon POS.

  3. Embedding orderbooks: As we scale, we would want to give rate protection to our merchants so that for transactions which are bigger in volume and can create slippage issues, we would give the merchants the option to set limit orders which only get filled at certail levels and if the pool has poor liquidity with bad slippage, the mechanism will not allow them to swap and create an order which only gets filled when the conditions are favorable to the trade.

Hope this helps. We are more than happy to setup a monthly checkin to share progress and updates.